WDC is moving in the right direction. 

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WDC is moving in the right direction.  They planted the seeds of success with their acquisition of  Sandisk a little ways back.

Change in most businesses is evolutionary and not revolutionary.   WDC was left for dead when solid state drives (SSD's) began to grow, but for a long time there was a transition period.  Until SSD's are equal on a cost basis, there will still be a need for disk drives.  If the application doesn't need an SSD, why build it into your product and raise your costs?

In the mean time, WDC has positioned themselves in the SSD market to "catch the next wave."  Whether they will win in the the Toshiba JV fight remains to be seen, but WDC is taking other moves to assure their future success such as Sandisk.

Remember, a farmer must plant their seeds and nurture their crops to have a bountiful harvest in a future that is not tomorrow, but a long ways out.

Copyright 2017 Mark T. McLaren