PETS is spiking up today. 

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PETS is spiking up today.  This is another example of value investing and taking the long term view.

PETS was in the 13 dollar range in 2011-12.  It has grown significantly in the last 2 years.  Buying and holding with a long term vision is what really pays.  When I speak of long term, I am referring to 3 plus years out- not a year, not 6 months and certainly not by the end of trading today.

Many market participants manage their investments by what I call the "late night TV" scenario - ie "Buy this jar of some concoction and you will lose 20 pounds over night!"  Poppy cock!

Like a farmer, you must sow long before you reap.  Sure, you might get lucky sometimes, but that is more the exception versus the rule.  If you really want to try your luck, go to Vegas!

Copyright 2017 Mark T. McLaren